Conversion Tracking

Why use Conversion Tracking ?

Measure detailed and accurate

marketing results to analyze your business plan.

See Return on Investment (ROI)

Help you decide your marketing plan

Find more targeted customers

who can do Smart Bidding and Remarketing ads to lead

Get to know

The Conversion Tracking feature

A tool that allows websites to connect to marketing platforms like Google Analytics, Google Ads,Facebook and LINE to measure results with the Conversion API from all platforms in one click!

Collect Insights on Google Analytics

Connect the data directly to the Google Analytics server.

Use Google Ads smartly

Track conversions result from Google Ads ad campaigns, whether it`s being added to the cart or product sales, just select the desired conversion, you can advertise Smart Bidding and Remarketing easily

Advertise directly to groups with Facebook Tracking

Follow Broadcast accurately on LINE Tag

Measure conversions from broadcasts or choose specific LINE ads. Even more, after installing the Base Code, you can easily select the website page and select the event code that you want to track results.

Get started with Conversion Tracking Now at SoftonicTech.

Free Consulting!

We listen to you and translate your requirements into a professional presence. Our designers and  development team will work to support your needs until you are satisfied with the results.

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